Monday, January 4, 2010
SK Mission & Policies
Our House
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" Welcome to the Lambda chapter of Sigma Kappa at UC Berkeley! Our family consists of diverse women from all across the country, all with their own fabulous personalities and unique interests, yet all possessing the same set of values, flair for fun, academic ambition, and dedication to making a difference in the lives of others. We are proud of who we are, and we support one another to become who we want to be.
Our mission is to provide each and every Sigma Kappa with a solid foundation of lifelong friendship and the best college experience she can possibly have! We would love to share with you the same happiness and amazing memories we’ve had the privilege of enjoying here at Sigma Kappa. In our sisterhood, you know you will always have the good company of your sisters whether you are getting ready for a night out, pulling an all-nighter, going to the gym, shopping in San Francisco, or even just staying in to watch a movie. As a Sigm
a Kappa, you can be sure that you will never find yourself without an extensive social network, an academic support system, or the feeling that you are part of something bigger than yourself.
We encourage all of you to come through Recruitment and get to know the women of the 12 fabulous sororities on campus. We can’t wait to meet you and show you around our beautiful home! "

Ginny Kim

SK Spring '10 Recruitment Events:
Tuesday, January 26th 6:30-8:00- Meet the Girls!
**Attire is casual
Wednesday, January 27th 6:30-8:00 - House tours!
**Attire is business casual
Thursday, January 28th 6:30-8:00: Preference Night
**Attire is cocktail party
**Invitation only
Sunday, January 31st - BID DAY
SK Recruitment Contacts:
Tory Le, Vice President of Membership: toryle@berkeley.edu
Claire Copsey, Co-VP of Membership: clairecopsey@berkeley.edu
Yasmin Adlparvar, Continuous Open Bidding Chair: yasminadl@berkeley.edu
Please feel free to email our recruitment chairs at sigmakrecruitment@gmail.com. Our house is located at 2409 Warring St. (cross streets are Channing and Dwight).
" Hello All! I would like to welcome you, on behalf of the Lambda chapter of Sigma Kappa, to Cal and the Greek system! I highly encourage you all to Go Greek and take the opportunity to expand your social, philanthropic and intellectual experience here at Cal.
Sigma Kappa is an impressive assortment of women who have all influenced my life and college experience in incredible ways. My memories of game days, sisterhood activities and even late night study sessions in the dining room will stay with me forever as some of my most valuable times at Cal. College as a whole can be overwhelming, but the support I have from my sisters and the relationships I have built with them ensure that no matter the time of day or the situation I always have a home away from home and a life long friend at my side. Being a member of Sigma Kappa has made my college career, and I hope that you all will be able to find the same exciting support here!
I invite you to check out the rest of our website and discover more of the endless opportunities that Sigma Kappa has to offer and further explore all the wonderful aspects that make up the Sigma Kappa experience! "

President of Lambda Sigma Kappa
Alexis Bayudan
Executive Vice President:
Jessica Wilson
VP New Member Educator:
Ann Hodge
Co-VP New Member Educator:
Camille Mixter
VP Membership:
Tory Le
Co-VP Membership:
Claire Copsey
VP Scholarship:
Cristina Passoni
VP Finance:
Jessica Urban
VP Alumnae Relations:
Kelsey Cooper
VP Public Relations:
Ginny Kim
Panhellenic Delegate:
Kylie Harte
External Social Chair:
Lisa Mae Dominia
Internal Social Chair:
Katelyn Sullivan
Sisterhood Chair:
Jordan Archer
Foundation Chair:
Cimeran Kapur
Continuous Open Recruitment:
Yasmin Adlparvar
Philanthropy Chair:
Alex Hamb
House Manager:
Jasmine Lopez
Activities Chair:
Sara Banilohi
Christina Rivera
Ritual Chair:
Jessica Savoni
Recording Secretary:
Kate Jessen
Corresponding Secretary:
Karlie Braufman
Symbols & Insignia

Pledge Pin

The pledge pin is a gold Greek letter S shaped like a serpent intertwined through a K. In 1920 this design was officially adopted as our pledge pin. The pledge pin is also worn over the heart by new members of Sigma Kappa. Once initiated, the pin is surrendered to the chapter for their new badge.

The official coat-of-arms was adopted by Sigma Kappa in 1911. It reflects the familiar symbols of the sorority - the dove, the violet, the serpent, the open motto, the Greek letters and maroon & lavendar. Its significance is revealed only in the ceremony of initiation.
Our Flower

In June 1892,the violet was adopted as our national flower. The delicate flowers grew wild along the banks of the Messalonskee River in Maine where the founders sat in the early days of Sigma Kappa.

Our Official Jewel

The pearl is the official jewel of Sigma Kappa and was adopted at the Sigma Kappa Convention in 1915. The pearl is recognized as a symbol of purity and gracious character.
Our Symbols

Our Seal

25 Year Badge

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Date Founded: November 9, 1874
University Founded: Colby College in Waterville, Maine
Open Motto: One Heart, One Way
Colors: Maroon and Lavender
Jewel: Pearl
Symbols: Heart and Dove
Flower: Violet
Chapters: 236 in 40 states
Members: 151,800 worldwide
Philanthropies: Gerontology (the study of aging), with a focus on Alzheimer's disease research and programs directed at improving the lives of older citizens; Inherit the Earth; Maine Seacoast Mission.
Scholarships: The Sigma Kappa Foundation provides scholarships to collegiate and alumnae members each year, including scholarships for leadership, continuing education, and gerontology.
History of Sigma Kappa

In our first constitution, chapter membership was limited to 25. The original group was known as Alpha chapter and as our sorority grew, Beta chapter and Gamma chapter were also established at Colby College. Early records indicate that the groups met together; but in 1893, the Sigma Kappa members decided intramural expansion was not desirable. They voted to fill Alpha chapter to the limit of 25 and to initiate no more into Beta and Gamma chapters. Eventually, the second and third chapters would vanish from Colby campus. Finally Sigma Kappas realized if the organization was going to continue to grow, it had to expand beyond the walls of Colby College.
In 1904, Delta chapter was installed at Boston University. Elydia Foss of Alpha chapter had transferred to Boston and met a group of women who refused to join any of the other groups on campus. When asked if Sigma Kappa was a national organization, Elydia replied, "No, but it is founded on a national basis." Elydia then took the necessary steps to make Sigma Kappa a national sorority and it was incorporated in the state of Maine on April 19, 1904. The new status as a national sorority made Sigma Kappa eligible to join what was then called the Interfraternity Conference, now known as the National Panhellenic Conference.
Lambda of Sigma Kappa was established at UC Berkeley in 1910. We are proud to have been a member of the Greek community for nearly 100 years.
Chapter Profiles

University of California, Berkeley
Lambda of Sigma Kappa was established at UC Berkeley in 1910.
Scholarships: The Sigma Kappa Foundation provides scholarships to collegiate and alumnae members each year, including scholarships for leadership, continuing education, and gerontology.
Organization Facts
Founded: 1874 at Colby College in Waterville, Maine
Open Motto: One Heart, One Way
Colors: Maroon and Lavendar
Jewel: Pearl
Symbols: Heart and Dove
Flower: Violet
Philanthropies: Gerontology (the study of aging), with a focus on Alzheimer's disease research and programs directed at improving the lives of older citizens; Inherit the Earth; Maine Seacoast Mission.
Lambda of Sigma Kappa
2409 Warring St.
Berkeley, CA 94704
Chapter website: http://www.calsigmakappa.com
Inter/National website: http://www.sigmakappa.org
Recruitment Info
Formal Recruitment begins August 2009.
Check CalGreeks.com for more information, or email us at sigmakrecruitment@gmail.com
Alexis Bayudan, President
Tory Le & Claire Copsey, VP's of Membership
Website maintained by:
Ginny Kim, Public Relations Chair