As a member of Sigma Kappa, you are obligated to uphold her high standards and ideals, reflected in her insignia, remembering that Sigma Kappas all over the country are bound by the same tenets.
On March 7, 1894, the triangle badge was chosen with "unjeweled maroon enamel." Jeweled badges were approved at the 1915 convention when the pearl was adopted as our national jewel. Unjeweled badges have a scroll edge. The badge is worn over the heart strictly as an emblem of membership and only by initiated members.
Pledge Pin
The pledge pin is a gold Greek letter S shaped like a serpent intertwined through a K. In 1920 this design was officially adopted as our pledge pin. The pledge pin is also worn over the heart by new members of Sigma Kappa. Once initiated, the pin is surrendered to the chapter for their new badge.
The official coat-of-arms was adopted by Sigma Kappa in 1911. It reflects the familiar symbols of the sorority - the dove, the violet, the serpent, the open motto, the Greek letters and maroon & lavendar. Its significance is revealed only in the ceremony of initiation.
Our Flower
In June 1892,the violet was adopted as our national flower. The delicate flowers grew wild along the banks of the Messalonskee River in Maine where the founders sat in the early days of Sigma Kappa.
Louise Helen Coburn's early reminiscences give us her memory of white as the color favored in the early days of Sigma Kappa. She said that lavender and maroon, as our colors, occur in the minutes of June 1891. They were being used then and apparently had been approved earlier. A note in the minutes of 1904 speaks of a committee appointed to "write down the true significance" of our colors which is revealed in the ceremony of initiation.
Our Official Jewel
The pearl is the official jewel of Sigma Kappa and was adopted at the Sigma Kappa Convention in 1915. The pearl is recognized as a symbol of purity and gracious character.
Our Symbols

The dove and heart are the official symbols of Sigma Kappa. Both symbols signify love, longevity, and pureness. Other familiar symbols of Sigma Kappa include the serpent and the triangle, or delta.
Our Seal
The seal of Sigma Kappa is used on all official papers, membership certificates and chapter charters
25 Year Badge
The twenty-five year pin is a silver violet surrounded by an open triangle with the numbers 25 in the middle of the violet and the Greek letters Sigma Kappa set to the left side of the triangle.