" Welcome to the Lambda chapter of Sigma Kappa at UC Berkeley! Our family consists of diverse women from all across the country, all with their own fabulous personalities and unique interests, yet all possessing the same set of values, flair for fun, academic ambition, and dedication to making a difference in the lives of others. We are proud of who we are, and we support one another to become who we want to be.
Our mission is to provide each and every Sigma Kappa with a solid foundation of lifelong friendship and the best college experience she can possibly have! We would love to share with you the same happiness and amazing memories we’ve had the privilege of enjoying here at Sigma Kappa. In our sisterhood, you know you will always have the good company of your sisters whether you are getting ready for a night out, pulling an all-nighter, going to the gym, shopping in San Francisco, or even just staying in to watch a movie. As a Sigm
a Kappa, you can be sure that you will never find yourself without an extensive social network, an academic support system, or the feeling that you are part of something bigger than yourself.
We encourage all of you to come through Recruitment and get to know the women of the 12 fabulous sororities on campus. We can’t wait to meet you and show you around our beautiful home! "

Ginny Kim

SK Spring '10 Recruitment Events:
Tuesday, January 26th 6:30-8:00- Meet the Girls!
**Attire is casual
Wednesday, January 27th 6:30-8:00 - House tours!
**Attire is business casual
Thursday, January 28th 6:30-8:00: Preference Night
**Attire is cocktail party
**Invitation only
Sunday, January 31st - BID DAY
SK Recruitment Contacts:
Tory Le, Vice President of Membership: toryle@berkeley.edu
Claire Copsey, Co-VP of Membership: clairecopsey@berkeley.edu
Yasmin Adlparvar, Continuous Open Bidding Chair: yasminadl@berkeley.edu
Please feel free to email our recruitment chairs at sigmakrecruitment@gmail.com. Our house is located at 2409 Warring St. (cross streets are Channing and Dwight).